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Hello and welcome to my personal homepage! My name is Zichuan Fu, and I am thrilled to share my educational background and aspirations with you.

I completed my undergraduate studies at Xi'an Jiaotong University's School of Software Engineering, where I earned my Bachelor of Engineering degree. I was fortunate to be mentored by Professor Jiakun Zhao during my time there. Following my undergraduate education, I pursued a Master of Science degree in Advanced Computer Science at the University of Sheffield. There, I had the pleasure of working under the guidance of Dr. Anton Ragni.

I am now excited to embark on my journey as a Ph.D. candidate at City University of Hong Kong, under the supervision of Professor Xiangyu Zhao.

As a passionate advocate for artificial general intelligence (AGI), I am eager to contribute my efforts to help bring this revolutionary technology to fruition. I firmly believe that AGI has the potential to reshape our world for the better, and I am committed to playing an active role in its development. Thank you for visiting my page and learning more about my background and aspirations.

Find me on WeChat with the ID FZKUJI, or scan my QR code:

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